Rewind Therapy


August 2024 Rape and Sexual Abuse
I have been using the REWIND Technique for nearly 10 years, I am the Clinical Lead for RASA Merseyside and a Trainer in the Technique. In my time using the Rewind Technique it has been incredibly effective for survivors of sexual abuse at RASA Merseyside. Unlike some traditional exposure therapies, the Rewind Technique does not require survivors to relive or vividly recount the traumatic experiences. This can be crucial for survivors of sexual abuse, as it minimizes the risk of traumatization.Safety and Control, the technique is designed to create a sense of safety and control for the individual undergoing the process. Survivors of sexual abuse often struggle with feelings of powerlessness and lack of control, and the Rewind Technique allows them to maintain a sense of agency during the therapeutic process. The Rewind Technique primarily addresses the emotional and physiological responses associated with the traumatic memories. By desensitizing the emotional charge attached to the memories, it can help survivors reduce the intensity of negative emotions and fear linked to the traumatic events. So, we have seen rapid resolution in clients. Survivors may experience positive changes in a relatively short period, which can be empowering and encouraging for individuals who have been struggling with the long-term effects of sexual abuse.It allows survivors to process and neutralize traumatic memories without reactivating the details of the events. This is particularly important for individuals who may be dealing with complex PTSD or dissociation because of the abuse, while respecting individual boundaries. In nearly most cases in which is client is suitable their IES, drops under a probable diagnosis for PTSD. All our counsellors are trained in the technique and it has become an integral part of the service provision.           

 Victoria Green | RASA.Merseyside,UK Kind Regard sVicky Green Clinical Lead & Training/ Development Manager

For Rape-how many sessions?
1 session and then a follow up for most of our clients having REWIND, we might need to complete on average 3 times in a session. Victoria Green 30/08/2024

March 2024
I actually run a free clinic myself - via the university - it is part of our support hub for those suffering with trauma and it is open to all. So I very much hold to your approach to offering therapy for free, I do not like to think of people struggling when it is within our skill set to support them.
JUNE 2024

I completed training in the Rewind technique and began to apply it in my practice. Thank you for the excellent method, careful training and supportive supervision - it is very timely for Ukrainians today.

I am sending you two successful cases for consideration. I will honored to be included in the International Register of Specialists of the International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy

Olga Kalapuziak
November 2023
I have been working on the Ukrainian project with Dzmitry Karpuk for two years now.
Your technique is very helpful in our work!
O. Ostrakova- Kyiv, Ukraine
October 2023
From Rewind Practitioner's patient.

 "I'm reaching out to express my deep gratitude for your guidance regarding the Rewind Therapy technique.

It has proven to be an invaluable part of my recovery from PTSD. In fact, I believe that, thanks to this tool you've provided me with, I have recovered from PTSD". 

September 2023
I work with some first responders who have never heard of Rewind and are amazed at their result after we use it.  I encourage my clients to pass on the App to colleagues in similar job roles.  I hope it does become the most talked about therapy, as employers need to know about it and ensure their employees have access to it.  I have always appreciated Rewind’s value, for me it is the most important therapist tool I use in my practice with clients.  In fact I can’t think of a session where I haven’t used Rewind since training with you in Birmingham 2018.   It  gives my clients hope and that is so precious. Good luck with everything. J
Rewind Technique Experienced by a Nurse,Paramedic and Firefighter
Rewind Technique for Trauma in Frontline Staff: Experiences of a Nurse, a Paramedic and a Firefighter. A Qualitative Study.   Research Gate
  • May 2023
Authors: Lyanne Pudney
Patient feedback to one of my accredited Rewind Technique trainers July 2023
Apologies for only just getting back to you, it's the school holidays so it's a very busy time! 
Rewind has freed me from the loop of distress I was living in, due to witnessing and assisting in CPR to a man who would die in my hands. I was traumatised and unable to process this unexpected incident , but REWIND helped me to remember that there was a life that had happiness before the trauma occurred, and I’m able to continue that path of happiness now that the trauma has happened. I’m no longer afraid of the unknown and feel extremely grateful to have had this unique experience with you.
Hi David
The results speak for themselves. Initially I was sceptical but I still remember doing the rescore with the first client I tried it with and I couldn’t believe this person who had been virtually unable to function could suddenly engage with life. It shocked us both and I have not looked back. It has been transformative and incredibly complimentary to my practice with both adults and young people. Thank you Dr Muss!!!!"  JB 2023

Hi David

I did your training in October 2019 and have been using Rewind alongside my colleagues who also have done your training in St Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) in Manchester. We have had huge success with Rewind with a lot of our clients even using it with our trafficked clients through use of interpreters.
I just wanted to let you know that we are also presenting Rewind as part of our annual SARC conference next week so will direct many to your website.
Thank you for such a great approach to trauma
Kind regards 

Thank you again for this fantastic tool !(LH)

It is amazing to have the evidence so clearly right in front of you. I have encouraged so many people to come and train with you. I hope they do because like you said, to be able to support people so quickly is incredible. I work in the NHS at a local Hospital.DF 

It feels wonderful to have something that is so effective and quick. It's also (relatively) easy on the client - in the 4 cases where I've used it, it has worked with only one run-through so thank you again. HT

Hi David. Hope you are ok and just emailling with some updates: I used rewind techniques with more 51 clients from moderate to severe post - traumatic stress disorder and their presenting issues were complex bereavement and loss, road accident and sexual abuse.   only three clients didn't respond well. Some of the reasons were first client was not ready to face the event, second client recovered 75% because her case was going to court as it was a complex accident and taking long time to resolve, and third client just refused to watch the film for the third time due to the avoidance.  I found the rewind technique amazing and it increased my confidence in treating mild to severe traumatized clients, abuse, phobia, anxiety disorder and more. I am impressed with the technique.   I just want to say thank you for the training. MK
TACS (The Ambulance Staff Charity ) is now USING THE REWIND TECHNIQUE
Thanks for the training. I am so impressed with the technique. You did it on me and I keep testing myself, recalling the distressing memory but am now unable to feel distressed, guilty and ashamed. Thanks again,

 I would like to say a huge thank you for the conference yesterday. I found it absolutely brilliant and am looking forward to working with clients using the Rewind. I appreciated your manner of engaging us the audience, and the invaluable role play you eagerly engaged in for our benefit. I trust many of us, if not all of us will find great success using the Rewind. I wish you continued success as you continue to push forward to bring the Rewind into use in the UK. I was so excited to hear what is going on regarding the research in Cardiff at this time, and what is already in the process for the coming couple of years. I am greatly enthused and encouraged, many many thanks to you, I wish you the very best.

Thank you so much for a wonderful workshop. I was actually doing the process as you were directing the third example. I used one of many domestic violence experiences that I had over 20years ago in which the what if and the impacts on significant others where so much larger that the already large event.: I had thought these memories were long worked through but they had resurfaced 2months ago, unbidden, with strong aftershocks. I was pleasantly surprised at the sense of peace and joy I felt on leaving. 
Hi David I attended your training in Nov 2018 at the blizzard building which I really enjoyed and have found working with your technique really exciting and the results I'm getting are fantastic. I have attached 2 case studies of which in one the follow up is more than 2 week's however I did see this client a week after and she said it had worked but with Xmas holidays and her exams the scored follow up was longer. I wanted to include her because her transformation is huge. When we met I felt she would need long term counselling and now we will finish our sessions next week and she is looking forward to her future with a really positive outlook and I love my job even more. So I thank you for the training you have given me and the opportunity I have now to use it. 
LG  2019
Dear David,

I did attend the workshop in London in November 2018. I first want to say a big "Thank you". It was a great day and a pleasure to meet you.

After the workshop, a bit sceptical, I had 2 clients with emotional trauma. The results were amazing. Please see attached my 2 case studies and their IES.
HR  2019

Rape and Sexual Abuse Merseyside
Hi David

I hope you are well. 

I have been using your rewind technique with great success since the workshop, we now have a peer support group within RASA which I facilitate once a month, this helps everyone to focus on following your guidelines and keeps us all feeling confident in using it. All of our therapists who have been on the course benefit from getting together and supporting each other with it. We have all experienced good results and feel it is really improving the work we are able to do with our clients. So I want to say a massive thank you. This really does change lives! 

Best wishes

Laura  2018
I am so glad I have incorporated this technique into my practice
Rewind works so efficiently and effectively. Such a lot of evidence to validate it as an extremely beneficial therapy for trauma. I am so glad I have incorporated this technique into my practice and so pleased for all the clients that have benefited. Kind Regards
Gill legge . 2018
Brilliant really!
 The things that is really surprising is how quickly people forget that they had the flashbacks, (almost like a toothache, once it is gone it is forgotten about). In the reviews people only then remember that they haven't been triggered or have thought about it. Brilliant really.
Thanks again David 
Su Jackson
Rewind zaps in one
I have helped many of my college clients and private clients using Rewind. Many have tried EMDR and had limited success, then Rewind zaps it in one.

Jackie Browne
I use Rewind between 5-15 times a week ...
I work as a Psychosexual/Trauma therapist using an Integrative model.  I am employed as a therapist and also run a private practice in Bedford. 

I use Rewind between 5-15 times a week
 and have found it very effective with many of my clients, including those suffering with anxiety, panic, sudden deaths, road traffic collisions, and childhood sexual abuse.  Upon completing the training I was initially nervous about putting into practice the new technique and also whether or not it would be effective, from the first client it has been successful.  The only clients who I have felt it did not help them were those unwilling to let go, did not add in the worst parts or did not want to stop being angry.  I have found other ways of working with these clients however they are in the minority. I have used Rewind for single and multiple traumas, working slowly and carefully with each one and have watched people transform from the trauma controlling them into them being in control.

Helen Barrow-Horne
This technique is so life changing
I currently work at Basildon Mind as a volunteer. I attended your training day on the Rewind Technique in November last year. I have used the technique on my eldest daughter whom suffered as a result of my long-term violent relationship with her Father. I was not aware how this trauma had been impacting her life until I met you. It then became apparent that she was suffering from PTSD. The IES was completed and repeated two weeks later to which demonstrated a significant drop. The most interesting part about this rewind was that I appeared in it. My daughter described to me afterwards what I was doing in the rewind and we established that her fear actually came from my fear. We both learned an extreme amount about ourselves in this process and my daughter seems to be cured. She no longer feels angry towards her Father and no longer feels anxious about the event. She can recall the event now and discuss her father in a calm and relaxed way and feels that it is because of the Rewind Technique. It is amazing how this technique is so life changing and I thank you wholeheartedly for coming in to my life when you did. I have also used the technique on a client which showed significant change. I will attach the results of the two rewinds I have completed, as Mary informed me this morning the register is going to closing and I would have liked to have been on the register if at all possible. I have another rewind booked for two weeks time. Please could you let me know your thoughts. Once again David I am eternally grateful and I hope our paths cross again. 

Tina Pinfold
Service Evaluation by Independent Psychologist
The purpose of this service evaluation was to look at the effectiveness of the Rewind treatment in a Victim Support Counselling Service. 

All the people treated by the Victim Support Counselling Services in a 3/6 month period in 994 were included. The counsellors were newly trained. Each person treated was given the Impact of Events Scale (IES) before and two weeks after treatment. 

A total of 18 people were treated during this period. Their age range was 16-50. 
The type of trauma was recorded. There were 6 (33%) rapes, 5 (28%) assaults, 3 (17%) sexual assaults, 2 (11%) robberies, and 2 (11%) child abuse traumas were treated. 
Regarding chronicity, 8 (44%) were acute (less than 6 months), 7 (39%) were 6-24 months post-trauma, and only 3 (17%) were chronic (over 5 years). 

Prior to treatment, all people treated were above the IES cut off of 27 and above. The mean pre-treatment scores was 56.4 (SD = 7.19).
After treatment, the mean post-treatment score was 14.72 (SD = 9.34). The average improvement was 42.67 (SD = 6.60).
Two people (11%) were still above the cut-off of 27 after treatment, but had both still improved by a score of 17, indicating a statistical reliable improvement.


The Rewind treatment was successful in treating people referred to this Victim Support Counselling Service. The majority of people treated had acute trauma of less than 6 months, and a significant proportion were less than two years since the trauma, indicating that this treatment was effective for acute trauma. The mean pre-treatment IES score was 56.4, indicating severe trauma symptoms were successfully treated. Only 11% were considered to not be successfully treated, but even these two people had statistically reliable improvement. These results indicate that newly trained counsellors can be successful in treating severe trauma using this technique.
Beck charity in awe of results achieved with the Rewind Technique
I am a psychotherapist working mainly with children & young people but I am currently offering free emotional well being assessments & counselling to parents in East Leeds through a local charity (The Beck).  I recently asked Sue Sutton - who trained with you -  to offer Rewind to a client who had experienced a number of severe & traumatic domestic violence incidents. The change for this client is immense and the many professionals  involved with the family are suprised and a little in awe of the technique! The charity is intent on finding funding to continue to offer free counselling to some of the most vulnerable parents in the city. This will be a task in the current climate !! My query is as to whether you would consider offering a training day in Leeds to qualified counsellors/psychotherapists who would then be asked to offer this at low cost to no (or very low) income parents who have experienced trauma. If this would be something you could consider I was wondering how much it would cost the charity - how many participants you would need and what sort of qualifications you would expect participants to have.
Thank you

Georgia Cooper MBACP
Repeatedly getting fantastic results
I have been using the Rewind with such fantastic results ...last week I was working with a client who had suffered huge trauma being sex trafficked ...her score went from 69 to 24 

A. Hewitt
Another 2 assisted with Rewind in South Africa
Hi there Another 2 assisted with Rewind,1 month after incident,  by one of our trauma support volunteers who attended your course– went very well. Thanks again. Greetings from the lovely Knysna. 

Karin du Plessis
Thanks for the Great Tool!
Hi David Hope you are well. Thought I would let you know that another counsellor used “Rewind” and was impressed with the effect on client immediately and 2 days later! Thanks for the great tool. Blessings  

Karin du Plessis
Further Testimonials from Counsellors Applying The Rewind Technique
Doing a successful rewind still gives me goosebumps and has changed so many lives, great to know it's still developing. 
Dave C,

I just wanted to let you know that I am still doing REWIND and find that the results are amazing. 
I’m finding Rewind such a very useful tool to have. Thank you so much, David, for your excellent training.

I work with victims of serious crime and I usually offer a session of Rewind. The feedback I have received is all very positive especially in reducing flashbacks and general feelings of anxiety. Some clients have reported that they feel empowered following the session and one said that she felt as if she had been “rebooted”. Caroline Zanussi,;

Its success has been amazing.  Sue Daniels,

This is a great tool for me to have...  Many thanks  Amanda Hewitt,

I really can't thank you enough, the technique has not only changed my life and helped my family but has also been an invaluable tool in my practice. Samantha Griesel, 

I have found it to be a fantastic skill to offer clients! Many thanks, Robina, 

Thank you for sharing such an efficient technique, a great addition to my "toolbox" Fiona Cam,  

It has been really positive to observe how this client has been able to benefit in a number of ways (psychologically, emotionally and socially), since engaging with this treatment / technique for PTSD. Lisa Walters,

I am really pleased that I did the Rewind training and have been recommending it to all my colleagues.Many thanks Pam,

I have also used it on a colleague yesterday
 whose life has been affected by a childhood trauma. He tells me it has made a difference overnight. He is going to attend one of your workshops. Regards Kath Moore, 

Client was astounded and was really pleased with the effect after 2 weeks. Meryl Hargreaves, 

It is just thrilling. Three weeks on and this client is still sleeping well and has stated that he feels fully in control of his traumatic thoughts, Carol Hosford,

Those who have used this technique have found some of the results amazing. It really is a useful tool to have. Other volunteers lack confidence in using this technique as they feel they would require more training. Best Wishes, Peterborough Rape Crisis

I am priveleged to have this tool in my professional toolbox and continue to be astounded at the effective and efficient resolution of traumatic distress. Frances Masters, 

I have used RT iwith 7 of my clients so far, and there are lots of questions floating in my head!  Most of them found it very easy and helpful right away. One of them did not find it helpful, but then they were not able to detach from the PTSD event to do it properly. I have one who went back to her first sexual trauma at age 3, and another who processed a two week old murder of his best friend. One client has a long history and a series of the same type of abuse having occurred multilpe times over his lifetime, each with traumas associated with it.  
Mary F,

I work with victims of serious crime and I usually offer a session of Rewind. The feedback I have received is all very positive especially in reducing flashbacks and general feelings of anxiety. Some clients have reported that they feel empowered following the session and one said that she felt as if she had been “rebooted”. 
Caroline Zanussi,
Fantastic for my clients
I attended your training in Bristol some while ago, I very much enjoyed the training and have found this form of Therapy has been fantastic for my clients. 

IARTT - International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy

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Registered address: 30 West Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6DN